
The Mock 面试 program allows undergraduate students and alumni to practice interview skills and receive constructive feedback in a safe, 支持环境. These may be in preparation to interview for internships, 工作, and admissions to professional programs or graduate schools. 模拟面试 are a dress rehearsal for an actual interview. The first 20–30 minutes will be a simulated interview experience, and the remaining 20–30 minutes will be dedicated to feedback and coaching.

模拟面试 can be conducted in person, or virtually, to suit your needs.


A. General Questions – often asked in 20-30 minute phone screening

  • -说说你自己吧.
  • -你为什么想为本公司工作?
  • - What in particular are you most interested in working on?
  • - Where do you see yourself professionally in 3-5 years?
  • -你最大的优点和缺点是什么?
  • - Tell me about a project when you used ___ (a technical skill).
  • -有问题吗?

B. 行为面试问题


  • -你喜欢团队合作还是独立工作? 为什么?
  • - Give me an example of a time you faced a conflict while working on a team. 你是怎么解决的?
  • - Describe a time when you had to step up and demonstrate leadership skills.

Customer service/ Communication - Does this individual have the skills we need in this role?

  • - What’s one time you worked with a difficult customer and how did you resolve the situation?
  • - Tell me about a time when you improved a dissatisfied customer's experience.
  • - Tell me about a time when you made sure a customer was pleased with your service.

Adaptability – How will this individual handle stress/ challenging times?

  • - Tell me about a time you were under a lot of pressure at work or at school. 发生了什么事,你是怎么熬过来的?
  • -说说你失败的一次经历. 你是如何处理这种情况的?

Time management – How will this individual prioritize tasks?

  • - Give me an example of a time you managed numerous responsibilities or competing deadlines.
  • -说说你为自己设定目标的一次经历. How did you go about ensuring that you would meet your objective?

Motivation and values - Does this individual have the work personality that we want on our team?

  • - Tell me about your proudest professional accomplishment.
  • - Describe your favorite manager or supervisor in a work, volunteer, or internship setting.
  • -你最喜欢的工作或课堂项目是什么? 至少? 为什么?
  • - Describe your understanding of diversity/inclusion and why it is important to this position.

Unvoiced Questions (What the interviewer might be thinking)

  • -学生看起来准备好了吗? (Professional dress, copies of resume, note-taking materials)
  • -这个学生看起来有吸引力和有趣吗? (认真倾听,回应评论)
  • -这个学生对这个角色感兴趣吗? (量身定制的答案,着眼于未来)


  • 你喜欢在这家公司工作的哪一点? 你认为有什么可以改进的?
  • - What are some of the ways the company focuses on professional development?
  • - What makes the difference between a good employee in this company and a fantastic one?
  • - What can you tell me about your new products or plans for growth?


  • -典型的一天和困难的一天是什么样子的?
  • - Can you show me examples of projects I’d be working on?
  • - What metrics or goals will my performance be evaluated against?


  • -我直接向谁汇报工作?
  • - What are my direct reports’ strengths and the team’s biggest challenges?
  • 这个部门常见的职业道路是什么?


  • -面试过程的下一步是什么?
  • -我什么时候能收到你赌博十大靠谱软件下一步的通知?
  • - Is there anything that concerns you about my background being a fit for this role?

Questions to Assess An Organization's Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

来源: 2020 NACE文章

  • -贵公司如何定义多样性? What lenses of diversity has your organization made a direct commitment toward?
  • - Does your organization have a chief diversity officer (CDO) or a designated leader to drive DEI and engage internal and external stakeholders?
  • -贵组织支持哪些社会公益事业?
  • - Does your organization actively support diverse suppliers, contractors, and small businesses?
  • - Has your organization made any formal commitments in support of racial equity?
  • - How does your organization center diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging?
  • - Does your organization offer any formal employee training around biases, 反种族主义, 或一般DEI?
  • - How has your organization prioritized executive accountability toward DEI advancement?
  • - Does your organization have any affinity groups or committees to support diverse populations? If so, how do these groups contribute to the culture of the organization??
  • - Does your organization complete annual compensation equity analysis?
  • - What resources has your organization provided to its employees in support of COVID-19 and racial injustices?


  • Call, email, or chat with the front desk at the CCC to gain an overview of the interview process.
  • Prepare your résumé on your own or through a walk-in appointment at the CCC.
  • 预约一次模拟面试 握手 或致电/访问CCC.
  • Obtain a copy of the job description you will be interviewing for.
  • Research the company/program/organization you will be interviewing for.
  • 演练面试中常见问题的答案.
  • Prepare questions to ask the interviewer (as you would in real interview).


  • Rehearse with friends, family, or classmates using what you’ve learned. 
  • 为真正的面试做准备,包括一个投资组合.
  • 如果您有更多问题,请再次访问CCC.